Fueling during exercise is to postpone fatigue, not replace
By Whitney Taylor
Spring time is here which means race season is gearing up! Green Events Spring Equinox half marathon & 4 Mile had the perfect weather to keep you motivated for those longer training runs ahead.
With a race almost every weekend leading into fall, you have ample opportunity to get in those miles. With longer miles, adequate fueling is a must!
Your fist thought, something quick and easy, may be to reach for the goo or gel’s.
Instant energy = instant PR, right?!
These quick energy sources aren’t a bad choice, just be cautious of the flash & crash that occurs when consumed.
The simple sugars will cause a big spike in your insulin levels, shortly after a plummet occurs so you grab more. You finish your race off on this roller coaster ride of high’s and low’s leaving your body and digestive system to metabolize all that sugar afterwards.
Your body only absorbs about ¼ of the nutrients you intake during an endurance event.
Where does all that sugar go? Unfortunately, if it isn’t used for energy, your body will store the unnecessary sugar as fat.
Interested in a higher quality, real food alternative to help you get through those longer runs without the crash? Here are so great options that are also easy to carry along with you.
- Baby Food. Don’t knock it till you try it
- Applesauce
- Peanut butter crackers
- Stingers crackers
- Fig Newtons
- Energy balls
- Bananas
- Raisins or easy to digest dried fruit
- Nuun
- Gummy bears or fruit snacks
If you do decide to stick with gels or goo’s make sure you are drinking adequate fluid along with an electrolyte drink such as Skratch or Nuun to help avoid GI distress and flush out that sugar.
Happy training!
See more great tips from Whitney at www.strengthinlight.com
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