Green Tip / Sustainable Fun

By Anna Petr

At Green Events we are passionate about sustainability which is a balance when producing events because bringing a lot of people together to run a race in and of itself creates an impact on the environment. 

One aspect that is sometimes overlooked are the swag products you receive with your registration. You probably run several races a year and have no need for another t-shirt in your house. However, our goal is to create a running event that is an experience you remember and cherish and having that shirt and finisher medal is a large part of those memories. We have made a conscious decision to purchase higher quality shirts and hire a professional designer to make sure you receive a shirt you want to wear, not one you consider donating, use to paint the garage, or that just sits in your drawer. If you receive a shirt you love and wear, we consider it a win in the sustainability arena. 

This year we transitioned to finisher medals made locally here in Colorado with sustainable materials and produced by athletes! 

The metal pint cups not only reduce plastic and paper cups at the event, but they are also a commemorative cup for you to use all year while keeping you hydrated or celebrating an adventure.

Lastly, if you went home with an award, you enjoyed an eco-friendly wooden trophy locally designed and engraved. Events will never be zero impact, but every year we are working to improve and do a little more to stoke the Sustainable Fun fire!