Green Camping Tips

By Anna Petr

One fun summer tradition for many people in Colorado is going camping with friends and family. Being environmentally friendly while camping is essential to preserve the natural beauty of the outdoors and reduce our impact on the environment. Here are five tips to help you practice eco-friendly camping this summer so that everyone may carry on enjoying this activity for many years to come!

  1. Leave No Trace

    The fundamental principle of eco-friendly camping is to leave no trace of your presence behind. This means packing out all your trash, including food scraps and biodegradable items like fruit peels. Dispose of waste properly in designated trash receptacles or bring them back home with you for proper disposal. Avoid littering and always leave your campsite as you found it.

    2. Opt for sustainable and eco-friendly camping gear whenever possible. It’s best to try to use reusable camping equipment instead of disposable plastic ones, and just say “NO” to styrofoam! Choose biodegradable soap and cleaning products to minimize the impact on the environment. Additionally, use solar-powered or rechargeable LED lights rather than disposable batteries to reduce waste.

    3. Use Campfires Responsibly

    Campfires can be enjoyable, but they can also harm the environment if not managed properly. Especially in Colorado where summers often cause dry weather, leading to wildfires, check to see if the area allows campfires and always use designated fire rings or fire pits. Use deadwood from the ground or fire logs instead of cutting live trees for firewood. Fire logs are often made from recycled materials and can be an easier way to get a fire started. Make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the campsite or going to sleep.

    4. Respect Wildlife and Plants

    When camping, remember that you are a visitor in the natural habitats of wildlife and plants. Keep a safe distance from animals and avoid feeding them any food that you brought. Don’t pick flowers, damage plants, or disturb natural features like rock formations.

    5. Conserve Water

    Water is a precious resource, especially in camping areas. Conserve water by using it wisely. Take quick showers or use biodegradable soap away from water sources. Collect rainwater for washing dishes and clothes, when allowed and safe to do so. Be mindful of your water usage to ensure there is enough for everyone and the local ecosystem.

By following these eco-friendly camping tips, you can enjoy your outdoor adventures while contributing to the protection and preservation of the environment for future generations to enjoy as well. One of the best parts about Colorado is exploring the outdoors, let’s all help protect our home!