Dedicated to the Half: Green Events 13’ers Half Marathon Challenge

This fall completed the 3rd annual Green Events 13’ers Half Marathon Challenge. Runners who finished all three of the Green Events’ Half Marathons during the year automatically become members of the exclusive club and receive a 13’ers sweatshirt at the end of the year. This year, 37 runners completed the challenge and are anxiously awaiting their commemorative sweatshirt to arrive in the mail.

When race day rolls around it can actually be a fun and enjoyable experience. You usually don’t have to set the alarm clock for 3 am like you do to get to the starting line of many marathons or longer races. The race itself does not take all day, a few hours in the morning and then you are off to breakfast/brunch, mowing the lawn or if you had the opportunity to travel you can go explore the area. Lastly, in most cases (if you trained well and are not injured) you will still be able to function after the race. Likely,  you will still be able to walk around, get out of bed the next day, and maybe feel some sweet satisfaction soreness from finishing the race at the goal you wanted.

The half marathon has been one of the most popular and fastest growing race distances in the U.S. for the past decade. For many runners this is the “perfect distance” race to train for and enjoy on race day.

Let’s face it, life is busy and many of us just don’t have the time or desire to commit to the training schedule for a marathon or longer distance. Half Marathon training can more easily fit into one’s schedule whether you are a newer runner working towards completing the distance for the first time or a more seasoned runner looking to improve your time or check off another race on the bucket list.

Despite the above-mentioned reasons why half marathons are the perfect distance, it certainly does not mean they are easy. Half Marathons are difficult and just because it’s a half does not mean it is easy or “half as hard”. Finishing a half marathon is always a big deal, “those last 3 miles will getcha”! Training takes consistency for months leading up to the race to build up mileage, strength, and speed. There are early morning workouts, evening group runs, track and tempo runs, weekend long runs, days you don’t feel like running and days your running partner doesn’t feel like running. Surviving all of this and just getting to race day is an accomplishment in itself. The race should be the fun part.

The Green Events 13’ers Challenge was designed to inspire runners to pursue a bigger on-going goal throughout the year and reward them for their continued dedication. The first race of the series is the Spring Equinox Half Marathon in March, running the country dirt roads of Northern Fort Collins. The second race is the Fort Collins Human Race Half Marathon at the end of July running through historic neighborhoods and starting and finishing in downtown Fort Collins. The last race of the series is the Fall Equinox Half Marathon in September during the height of fall colors, running downhill along the wild and scenic Cache La Poudre River. This series of races is also fun because each course is so different offering a chance to run through the country, city and canyon roads around Fort Collins.

Participants do not have to specifically sign up to be in the 13ers Challenge, rather just register for each half marathon race and finish. Green Events compiles a list of those that completed all 3 races and emails out the order form in October for the winners to receive their 13’ers sweatshirt.

Start planning now to be part of the 2019 13er’s Club!

March 24thSpring Equinox Half Marathon

July 27thHuman Race Half Marathon

September 22ndFall Equinox Half Marathon

The 2018 13’ers Challenge Members are:

Gillian Allison

Kathleen Berry

Morgan Briggs

Elizabeth Cey

Lori Crystal

Joe Devivo

Mekinzi Douglas

Bridget Eklund

Robert Elliott

Jamie Fields

Laura Gonzales

Laura Gutierrez

Steven Halterman

Derik Harrison

Kyle Hirsch

Ken Homme

Rachel Johnson

Scott Johnson

Becca Kalet

Gelsey Klein

Laura Lane

Jacob Liao Ong

Lynelle Lopez

Rebecca Meskis

Casey Netolicky

Kenneth Peralez

William Rowsam

Anna Shadbolt

Linda Shoemaker

Eric Smith

Jeff Spiker

Erin Swingholm

Jenna Swingholm

Christopher Tunze

Travis Warziniack

K. Todd Wikelski

Dan Yap