Dedicated to the 2019 Half: Green Events 13’ers Half Marathon Challenge

This fall completed the 4th annual Green Events 13’ers Half Marathon Challenge. Runners who finished all three of our Half Marathons (Spring Equinox, Human Race, and Fall Equinox) during the calendar year automatically become members of the exclusive 13’ers Half Marathon club and receive a commemorative sweatshirt at the end of the year.  New this year was the addition of the Virtual Half Marathon option associated with each event, giving participants more flexibility to complete the challenge using the virtual run if they could not make the race in person. Runners could complete any combination of actual races and virtual races to join the club. This year, 38 runners completed the challenge and will be receiving a full zip hoodie to celebrate their accomplishment!

The Green Events 13’ers Challenge was designed to inspire runners to pursue a bigger on-going goal throughout the year and reward them for their continued dedication. The first race of the series is the Spring Equinox Half Marathon in March, running the country dirt roads of Northern Fort Collins. The second race is the Fort Collins Human Race Half Marathon at the end of July running through historic neighborhoods and starting and finishing in downtown Fort Collins. The last race of the series is the Fall Equinox Half Marathon in September during the height of fall colors, running downhill along the wild and scenic Cache La Poudre River. This series of races is also fun because each course is so different offering a chance to run through the country, city and canyon roads around Fort Collins.

Participants do not have to specifically sign up to be in the 13ers Challenge, rather just register for each half marathon race or virtual race and finish. Green Events compiles a list of those that completed all 3 races and emails out the order form in October for the winners to receive their 13’ers sweatshirt.

Start planning now to be part of the 2020 13er’s Club!

March 22nd, 2020 – Spring Equinox Half Marathon

July 25th, 2020 – Human Race Half Marathon

September 20th, 2020 – Fall Equinox Half Marathon

The 2019 13’ers Challenge Members are:

Crisann Becker

Brooke Benson

Stefanie Boster

Frankie Caballero

Judy Calhoun

Benjamin Clark

James Cotter

Joy Dejong Lago

Cleo Devaney

Matthew Drake

Nathan Epperson

Laura Gonzales

Pamela Gundlach

Ken Homme

Zachary Klein

Jacob Lio Ong

Hayley Madland

Kristen Moore

Hannah Patterson

Ryan Perrich

Jerry Rief

William Rowsam

Laura Rue

Zack Sanchez

Jennifer Sedaghat

Eric Smith

Jeff Spiker

Michael Strausheim

Chris TA

Virginia Thomas

Morgan Turner

Sarah Vaughn

Joel White

Melody White

Todd Wikelski

Dan Yap